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These items were made for clientele of ours, each one displaying different and unique colours and patterns.
Parti (partition) sapphire or otherwise known as bi coloured sapphire, is a unique gemstone to Australia and Montana and consists of two colours within the one gemstone – yellow and blue.
Sapphires showcasing these individual colours (of yellow and blue) are the most highly prized while other parti sapphires can display green colours.
Unique to Australia and Montana, these stones are graded just like all other gemstones. Carat (size), cut and clarity are important but the patterns of colour set it apart from others.
A Parti sapphire is still made of the same constituents as regular sapphire (corundum – Al203) but it is trace elements present in the growing process which gives the difference in colour. The yellow from iron the blue colour from a mix of titanium and iron.
Although most of the sapphire mining in Australia has been exhausted, gemstones are still available and on the market.
Sapphires have been synthetically made using machinery with specific temperature and minerals for years, but due to the patchy colour pattern of Parti sapphires, they cannot be synthesized in a lab. This not only makes them unique, as each one has its own distinct pattern, but a guarantee each stone will be natural.
Create you own individual part sapphire piece today. Make an appointment 03 9650 3830 or email us for further details
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