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A green tourmaline ring that I designed and hand made was featured in one of our newsletters a few years ago. The article and
photos caught the eye of one of our clients, and when she recently brought her own green tourmaline and diamond ring into our showroom for remodelling, she asked if I could design and create something for her that was inspired by my original ring.
I came up with a simpler design that still retained the original concept of the curving/twisted vines in the band that the client could wear and enjoy every day.
We are pleased to say that Faye enjoyed her workshop experience when she participated in the making of her new ring.
#designyourownjewellery #handmadejewellery #qualityjewellery#jewellerythatlasts #australianjewellers #custommadejewellery#custommaderings #jewellerydesigners#Melbournejewellers #qualitycreativejewellery #peridot #jewelleryornaments #creativedesigns#EleanorHawke#tourmaline#creative designs #designerjewellery #EleanorHawkejewellery #AbrechtBirdJewellers #AbrechtBird
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